10x10 Risk Matrix Creator

2020. 1. 24. 20:40카테고리 없음

10x10 Risk Matrix Creator

Risk matrix, 2 x 2 The simplest way to consider the consequences and the likelihood of a risk that has been identified is to use a 2 x 2 risk matrix (Figure 2-1). This matrix is also called a 'risk level matrix and a 'decision matrix'. Risk assessment made easy!

Excel for Office 365 Word for Office 365 Outlook for Office 365 PowerPoint for Office 365 Excel 2019 Word 2019 Outlook 2019 PowerPoint 2019 Excel 2016 Word 2016 Outlook 2016 PowerPoint 2016 Excel 2013 Word 2013 Outlook 2013 PowerPoint 2013 Excel 2010 Word 2010 Outlook 2010 PowerPoint 2010 Excel 2007 Word 2007 Outlook 2007 PowerPoint 2007A matrix is a rectangular array of elements, arranged in rows and columns, that can be used to show the placement of concepts along two axes. For example, you can use a matrix to illustrate the four possible combinations of two concepts or ingredients. By using a SmartArt graphic in Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, or Word, you can create a matrix and include it in your spreadsheet, email message, presentation, or document.Right-click the matrix that you want to change, and then click Change Layout.Click Matrix, and then do one of the following:.To show the relationship of components to a whole in quadrants, click Basic Matrix.To show the relationship of four quadrants to a whole, click Titled Matrix. The first line of top-level text that you type appears in the center of the matrix, and the first four lines of second-level text appear in the four quadrants.To show the relationship of components to a whole in quadrants, emphasizing the quadrants rather than the whole, click Grid Matrix.To show the relationship to a central idea in a cyclical progression, click Cycle Matrix.For more details on each type of matrix, see.

To quickly add a designer-quality look and polish to your SmartArt graphic, you can change the colors or to your matrix.

A project is faced with risks at every phase of its life cycle. These risks may be expected or unexpected, and when encountered, needs time and attention. Depending on the type of risk, a risk can be a boost or a hindrance to a project.In order to understand the many risks that a project faces, a in a project has to be done.


While quantitative analysis assigns a numerical value to the risk, qualitative analysis, on the other hand, indicates the probability and the impact of the risk on the project in terms of seriousness and urgency.A project risk matrix is used when ‘qualitatively’ analyzing risks. It is a process of rating a risk’s probability against its impact.

It is applied to individual risks and not to a group of risks in a risk sequence or to complete project as such. A sample of a project risk matrix is illustrated below. Example of a Probability Impact MatrixA probability-impact matrix is used to highlight the status of risks at a glance. There are many ways of expressing the probability and impact relationship of risks in a project.


The most popular way, however, is to rate them as Very High, High, Medium, Low, and so on.Risks with higher probability and higher impact will require more attention, and hence this risk assessment tool is most useful for.Let us assume in this sample of a project risk matrix, nine individual risks have been identified in a project (refer to the diagram). They are marked against a rating scale of High, Medium and Low for both Probability and Impact.Risk 1: Low probability and low impactRisk 2: Medium probability and low impactRisk 3: High probability and low impactRisk 4: Low probability and medium impactRisk 5: Medium probability and medium impactRisk 6: High probability and medium impactRisk 7: Low probability and high impactRisk 8: Medium probability and high impactRisk 9: High probability and high impactRisks with a low probability and low impact do not pose much of a threat to a project. They may be easily handled by the project manager/project team and might require supervision or superficial monitoring. As the impact of the risk on a project increases, more time, attention and detailed risk management might be required, by not only the project team, but also all stakeholders involved.

Risk Register


Risk Matrix Template

An identified risk with a high probability and impact may require additional funds, time and resources to overcome it. It is indicative of urgent attention required.When a probability-rating score has been assigned to a risk as in 1-6 in the diagram, it becomes easy for all the stakeholders involved to assess the damage a risk might pose to a project, which becomes part of. The higher the P-I Score, the more aggressive the risk management approach should be.Assessment of individual risks as in the probability-impact matrix helps with.Image Credit: Diagram created by author This post is part of the series: Risk Management.

10x10 Risk Matrix Creator